The most accurate depiction of hacking in cinema

I was off work sick today and decided to crash on the couch and watch a movie. There are a few tech/sci-fi movies which I’ve watched but today I unexpectedly stumbled onto a movie with the most accurate depiction of hacking that I’ve ever seen. There are many hacking clichés in movies: the super fast-typing hands; spouting buzzwords like “firewall”, “worm”, “backdoor”, etc.; and, of course, the problematic “ACCESS DENIED” flashing up on screen. However, for its insightful (and shameful) accuracy I present this scene from Batman Returns:

Selina Kyle: I pulled all the files on the proposed power plant, and Mr. Wayne’s hoped-for investment. I’ve studied up on all of it. I even opened the protected files and-

Max Shreck: Why, how industrious. And how did you open protected files, may I ask?

Selina Kyle: Well I figured that your password was ‘Finster’, your Pomeranian, and it was.

People make guessing passwords easy and it doesn’t require you to type at super-human speeds, exploit backdoors, or circumvent firewalls. Use long passwords and multi-stage authentication, people! That way you can stop worrying about how your administrative assistant got into your secured files and start worrying about why you thought building a “power plant” which was actually a capacitor was such a genius plan.